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Introduction > Where are stocks traded on exchanges?

When does trading take place on the markets?

  • Orders are automatically processed immediately following acceptance.
  • Orders placed electronically for continuous trading are placed on the market following successful validation in a matter of moments or perhaps a matter of a few minutes.
  • The following periods for accepting orders are when we can guarantee that your validated orders will be sold on the market before the close of the period. Even if you place an order a few minutes before the close of the market, in most cases these will be sold on time.
Market (segment) Type of stock Limit for electronic orders Limit for other orders Decisive moment
closing phase
17:15 - 20:00
closing 19:40 18:00 20:00***
closing phase
08:00 - 09:15
closing 08:55 08:35 09:15
opening phase
09:15 - 16:20
closing 16:00 15:40 16:20
PSE - automatic trades
auction mode -
closing phase
08:00 - 09:10
closing 08:50 08:30 09:10
09:10 - 16:20
opening 08:50 08:30 09:10
09:10 - 16:20
closing 16:00 15:40 16:20
final auction
16:20 - 16:27
closing 16:00 15:40 16:25 or 16:27
continuous auction
09:00 - 17:00
opening 08:40 08:20 09:00
continuous auction
09:00 - 17:00
closing 16:40 16:20 17:00
continuous trading
15:30 - 22:00
opening 15:10 14:50 15:30
continuous trading
15:30 - 22:00
closing 21:40 21:20 22:00
Germany (Xetra)
continuous trading
09:00 - 17:30
opening 08:40 08:20 09:00
continuous trading
09:00 - 17:30
closing 17:10 16:50 17:30
Centrální depozitář cenných papírů, a.s. (CDCP)
Transfer of investment instrument to other depository closing 14:40 14:20 15:00
Other services closing 15:40 15:20 16:00
Cash -withdrawal
Non-cash transfer from available balance on trading account (minimum of CZK 4 million ) to be transferred on Day X must be notified to a branch in person or over the phone on Day X by 10:00 at the latest.

* Upon client request.
** For electronic communication.
*** Upon prior agreement.
**** Central European Time (CET) (table does not include changes for daylight savings).


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